Hi there 👋! My full name is Matheus Henrique de Cerqueira Pinto, but you may refer to me as Matheus Cerqueira or just Matheus. Currently, I’m a Computer Science undergraduate at University of Sao Paulo, located in Sao Carlos, Brazil.

I’m passionate about computers since I was a kid. Some of my best childhood memories are with Barbara, my cousin, teaching me how to use a computer. There were also a lot of times that my parents got upset because I broke the OS of our shared PC trying to discover secrets and improve performance. But well…

Some years later, especifically in 2016, I officialy started to study computers. I became a Computer Technician at Federal Institute of Parana (IFPR), in Jacarezinho, my hometown. During the four years that I spent there, I learnt and taught robotics, wrote articles, developed websites and apps and almost reached Harvard.

Then, following my passion, I decided to continue my learning path studying Computer Science. Despite all problems that COVID-19 brought to our world (and mainly to Brazil), in 2020, I got enrolled in the biggest Latin America university, University of Sao Paulo (USP).

Since then, I’ve been studying several themes, since Data Structures, Mobile Development and Operational Systems to Data Science and Machine Learning applied to cancer cases prediction.

You can read more about me on my resume.

Contact me through my personal e-mail: matheus dot crqra at gmail dot com.

It will be a pleasure talking to you 😉!